This pages are only for advanced users.
Bad flashing could destroy your drive definitively.
Read carefully the installation notes of your firmware before you upgrade.
REMEMBER: This is at your own risk!!!!

Don't forget you also need a region free DVD software!!! See the link page to find them.
If you have questions please use the discussion forum

RPC-1 = Region free drive
RPC-2 = Region locked drive
To know if your drive is region protected use
driveinfo in the utility page. (Please report me all drive/firmware not present in the list).

DVD-RAM compatible drives list
Drives status for DVD-ROM

Drives status for laptop DVD-ROM-CDRW/DVD-DVD-RAM-DVD-R


-Aopen DRW4624 (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.40, 1.50, 1.60
(Known firmware : 1.40 / 1.50 / 1.60)
A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.60 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).
Ricoh 9060 OEM


-Caravelle RW-6424DA / RW9060A (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90
Ricoh 9060A OEM
A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.90 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).

-Caravelle RW-1210DA / RW9120A (12X/10X/32X/8X) 1.20, 1.30
Ricoh 9120A OEM
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.37 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-HP 9900i (12X/10X/32X/8X) 1.30
(Known firmware : 1.30)
Ricoh 9120 OEM drive
A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.30 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).

- HLDS (LG) GCC-4080N
(Known firmware : 0010)
You can reset indefinitively the drive region code by using this utility.
Hitachihack v2.9 ported by Whacker (based on Hunter code)


- HLDS (LG) GCC-4120B (12X/8X/32X/8X) 2.01, 2.02 / 2.01 (Packardbell OEM)
(Known firmware : 2.00)
You can reset indefinitively the region code counter with an utility called RPCMAN available here.

- HLDS (LG) GCC-4240N (24X/?X/?X/?X)
(Known firmware : D110)

- HLDS (LG) GCC-4320B
You can reset indefinitively the region code counter with an utility called RPCMAN available here.

-Matshita CW-8121 (8X/8X/24X/8X)
Slim Combo drive

-Matshita CW-8571 (8X/8X/32X/12X) 1F20 / 1S41, 1S43 / 1N44 / 1J45 / 1V51
(Known firmware : 1F20 / 1S41 / 1S43)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using these :
Patched RPC-1 firmware 1X38 for Mac
(patch by XVI) It is also is able to revert the drive to the Apple supported firmware, in case the drive has to be returned.
Patched RPC-1 firmware 1X43 for PC (patch by XVI)
To be installed correctly, a drive region code must be selected before using the patched firmware.

-Matshita CW-8572 (16X/10X/40X/12X)

-Matshita UJDA710 (8X/4X/24X/8X)
(Known firmware : 1.02 / 1.04 / 1.06 / 1.08 / 1.50 / 1.51)
Laptop Combo drive
No RPC-1 firmware yet

-Matshita UJDA720 (8X/8X/24X/8X) 1.03 (only for drives in IBM computers)
Laptop Combo drive
No RPC-1 firmware yet

-Matshita UJDA730
Laptop Combo drive

-Matshita UJDA740
Laptop Combo drive

-Memorex MCW-6424DVD/ RW9060A (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90
Use a different firmware from the Tri-Maxx200.
Ricoh 9060A OEM
A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.90 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).

-Memorex MCW-1210DVD / RW9120A (12X/10X/32X/8X) 1.05, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30
Ricoh 9120A OEM
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.37 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-Memorex Tri-Max 200 (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.40, 1.50, 1.80
Ricoh 9060 OEM
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.80 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-Nec CB-2100 (8X/8X/24X/8X) 1.17
Laptop Combo drive
No RPC-1 firmware yet

-Philips PCRWDV1610 / CDD5101 P1.1, P2.2, P2.3 / N1.3 only for drives in Nec/Packardbell computers

-Philips PCRWDV2010 (20X/10X/40X/12X) 1.06, 1.20, 1.30
Ricoh 9200 OEM
A patched firmware 1.30 RPC-1 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).

-Philips PCRWDV3210 / CDD5301 P1.0

-Pioneer DCR-111 (12X/10X/40X/12X) 1.26, 1.28, 1.32
You can load flash utility for WIN95/98/ME here and Win2000/XP here.

-Plextor PX-208T (8X/8X/24X/8X)
Portable Combo drive

-Plextor PX-320A (20X/10X/40X/12X) 1.02, 1.03, 1.04
No RPC-1 patch yet.

-QSI SBW-081 NV03 / NXC5-E / NK01 / NH02 / NE02-A / NE02-C / NXA3 / NXA4 / NXA5-B / NXA5-D / NXA5-E / NX08-1, NX08-2
Patched RPC-1 firmware are available for the drive. Patch by Etna.

-QSI SBW-161 SE02-4 / SU03-1 / SX09-4 , SX09-05 , SX09-07 / SX13-3
Patched RPC-1 firmware are available. Patch by Joebar.
Patched SE02-4 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with SE02-4 firmware)
Patched SU03-1 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with SU03-1 firmware)
Patched EX09-4 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with EX09-4 firmware)
Patched SX09-05 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with SX09-05 firmware)
Patched SX09-07 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with SX09-07 firmware)
Patched SX13-3 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with SX13-3 firmware)


-Ricoh MP9060A (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90
A patched firmware 1.90 RPC-1 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).

-Ricoh RW9060A (6X/4X/24X/4X) 1.30, 1.40, 1.50, 1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90
OEM version of Ricoh MP-9060A
A patched RPC-1 firmware 1.90 for the drive is available (patch by Dean).


-Ricoh MP9120A (12X/10X/32X/8X) 1.00, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.30 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).
A Ricoh utility is available to set the drive from DMA mode to UDMA mode.

-Ricoh RW9120A (12X/10X/32X/8X) 1.05, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.37
OEM version of Ricoh MP-9120A
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.37 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-Ricoh MP9200A (20X/10X/40X/12X) 0.43, 0.60, 1.00, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.30 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-Ricoh RW9200A (20X/10X/40X/12X) 0.43, 1.22, 1.30
OEM version of Ricoh MP-9200A
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched 1.30 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Dean).

-Samsung SM-304B (4X/4X/24X/4X) BS02, BS04, BS05, T000 (WinXP update) / For OEM drives BT04
(Known firmware : BS02 / BS03 / BS04 / BS05)
- BS04 improve the disc recognition. BS05 add DAO RAW support. They are RPC-2 firmware. English translation of the readme.txt file here.
- The BT04 firmware is for OEM drive with BTxx firmware. It's a RPC-2 firmware.
You can load Samsung flash utility for DOS, WIN95/98/ME and Win2000 here.
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware (patch by etna) :
For Samsung drives E000 RPC-1
For OEM drives ET04 RPC-1


-Samsung SM-308B (8X/4X/32X/8X) BS02, BS03, BS04, BS05 - T100, T101 (WinXP update) / For OEM drives BT01 / For Dell OEM drives M002, M003, XP01, T104, T106 / For NEC/Packardbell OEM drives BB04, T101 / For OEM drives in HP computers t101 / For OEM drives in Sony computers BY0D, T101 / For OEM drives in IBM computers T103 (DOS, Win95/98/ME, 2000/XP)
You can load Samsung flash utility for DOS, WIN95/98/ME and WinNT/2000 here.
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware (patch by etna) :
For Samsung classical drives E101 RPC-1
For Sony OEM drives E101 RPC-1
For HP OEM drives e101 RPC-1

For IBM OEM drives E103 RPC-1
For DELL OEM drives E104 RPC-1

For Packard Bell/NEC OEM EB04 RPC-1

-Samsung SM-308N (8X/4X/32X/8X) NN10
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched EN10 RPC-1 firmware (patch by etna).

-Samsung SN-308B (8X/8X/24X/8X) U003, U021 (flash utility) / For drives in DELL computers U005, U007
Laptop Combo drive
DO NOT use U003 on DELL laptops. (Master/Slave problem)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched E021 RPC-1 firmware or patched E005 RPC-1 firmware (for DELL only) (patch by etna).

-Samsung SM-316B (16X/10X/40X/12X) T301, T303, T304, T305, T306 (flash utility)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched E304 RPC-1 firmware (patch by etna).

-Samsung SN-324B U100 (flash utility)

-Samsung SM-332B (32X/10X/40X/12X) T400, T401, T402, T403, T404 (flash utility) / For drives in DELL computers T410
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched E403 RPC-1 firmware, also HP OEM firmware (patch by etna).

-Sony CRX85A (20X/8X/24X/8X) 1.0h
No RPC-1 solution yet.
Firmware upgrade instruction. This Firmware Update applies to Windows XP & 2000 users only. An update for Windows 98SE & ME users will be available shortly.

-Sony CRX85U (20X/8X/24X/8X) 1.0h
No RPC-1 solution yet.
Firmware upgrade instruction. This Firmware Update applies to Windows XP & 2000 users only. An update for Windows 98SE & ME users will be available shortly.

-Sony CRX810E 1.0C

Torisan CDW-U88424

-Toshiba SD-R1002 (4X/4X/24X/4X) 1034, 1037, 1038 / 1638 / 1738 / 1440 / 1840
(Known firmware : 1030 / 1034 / 1037 / 1038)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched X840 RPC-1 firmware (patch by XVI).
To be installed correctly, a drive region code must be selected before using the patched firmware.

-Toshiba SD-R1102 (8X/8X/32X/8X) 1012, 1030, 1032 / 1A18
(Known firmware : 1012)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched X012 RPC-1 firmware (patch by XVI).
A new version 1030 RPC-1 is out. (patch by Kotkas) Actually untested. Please let know us if it works correctly.
To be installed correctly, a drive region code must be selected before using the patched firmware.

-Toshiba SD-R1202 (16X/10X/40X/12X) 1020, 1023, 1026, 1030 (DOS), 1026, 1N36, 1S36 (Windows)
(Known firmware : 1020, 1023)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware
Patched 1030 RPC-1 firmware
(ONLY for drives with 10xxfirmware) (patch by Joebar)
Patched XN36 RPC-1 firmware (ONLY for drives with 1Nxx firmware) (patch by Hijacker)
Patched XS36 RPC-1 firmware (ONLY for drives with 1Sxx firmware) (patch by Hijacker)

-Toshiba SDR1202F (16X/10X/40X/12X) 1F33 (Windows)
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using this patched XF33 RPC-1 firmware (patch by Hijacker).

-Toshiba SD-R2002 (4X/4X/24X/6X) 1321, 1324, 1330 / 1024, 1026, 1028, 1029, 1035 (Rev. A) / 1030, 1031 (Rev. B) / 1D26 / 1Q24, 1Q35 (Rev. A) / 1Q24, 1Q35 (Rev. B) / 1129, 1230 / 1E24, 1E29 / 1W26 / 1522 / 1J29 (Rev. A) / 1J29 (Rev B) / 1726, 1728, 1735 / 1732 / 1N26, 1N28 / 1A25 / 1F22, 1F26
(Known firmware : 1024 / 1026 - 1321 / 1324 - 1D26 / 1W26 / 1Q24 / 1E29 - 1B27 / 1B29 - 1C27 / 1C30 (mac)
Laptop Combo drive
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware (patch by XVI and Kotkas)
For Mac
Patched XB29 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Bxxfirmware) The utility can revert back to original firmware 1B29.
Patched XC30 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Cxx firmware) The utility can revert back to original firmware 1C30.
For PC

Patched X330 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 13xx firmware)
Patched X035 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1024, 1026, 1028, 1029 and 1035 firmware) REV. A
Patched X031 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1030 and 1031 firmware) REV. B
Patched XD26 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1D26 firmware)
Patched XQ35 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Q24 or 1Q35 firmware) REV. A
Patched XQ35 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Q24 or 1Q35 firmware) REV. B
Patched XE29 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1E24, 1E29 firmware)
Patched XW26 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1W26 firmware)
Patched X522 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1522 firmware)
Patched XJ29 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1J29 firmware) REV. A
Patched XJ29 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1J29 firmware) REV. B
Patched X735 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1726, 1728 or 1735 firmware)
Patched X732 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1732 firmware)
Patched XF26 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1F22 or 1F26 firmware)
Patched XN28 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1N26, 1N28 firmware)
Patched XA25 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1A25 firmware)
Patched 1F26 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1F22 or 1F26 firmware)
Patched X230 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1129 and 1230 firmware)
To be installed correctly, a drive region code must be selected before using the patched firmware.

-Toshiba SD-R2102 (8X/8X/24X/8X) 1006, 1010, 1015, 1016, 1018 (revA) / 1004, 1015, 1016, 1018 (revB) / 1D10, 1D13 (revA) / 1D13 (revB) / 1315, 1317, 1316 / 1715, 1718 (revA) / 1715, 1718 (revB) / 1915, 1916 (revA) / 1916 (revB) / 1F15 / 1G15 / 1A08, 1A15, 1A16 (revA) / 1A15, 1A16 (revB) / 1N15 / 1J15 (revA) / 1J15 (revB) / 1H16 / 1W16
(Known firmware : Rev A : 1D10, 1D13 / 1006 - 1015 / 1715 / 1G15 - Rev B 1004, 1015, 1D13)
Laptop Combo drive
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware (patch by Kotkas)
Patched 1317 RPC-1 or Patched 1316 RPC-1 (newest) (ONLY for drives with 13xx firmware)
Patched 1018 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1006, 1010, 1015 dated 09/21/01 or 10/09/01, 1016 10/31/01 firmware) REV. A
Patched 1018 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1004, 1015 dated 11/21/01, 1016 firmware) REV. B
Patched 1D13 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1D10, 1D13 dated 10/29/01 firmware) REV. A
Patched 1D13 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1D13 dated 11/21/01 firmware) REV. B
Patched 1718 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1715 dated 10/09/01 firmware) REV. A
Patched 1718 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1715 dated 11/17/01 firmware) REV. B
Patched 1916 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1915 or 1916 firmware) REV. A
Patched 1916 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1915 or 1916 firmware) REV. B
Patched 1F15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1F15 firmware)
Patched 1G15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1G15 firmware)
Patched 1N15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1N15 firmware)
Patched 1J15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1J15 dated 09/03/01 firmware) REV. A
Patched 1J15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1J15 dated 11/28/01 firmware) REV. B
Patched 1A16 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Axx firmware) REV. A
Patched 1A16 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Axx firmware) REV. B
Patched 1H16 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Hxx firmware)
Patched 1W16 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Wxx firmware)
To be installed correctly, a drive region code must be selected before using the patched firmware.


-Toshiba SD-R2212 (16X/10X/24X/8X) 1013, 1014, 1015 / 1713, 1715 / 1F15 / 1N16 / 1314 / 1913
Laptop Combo drive
You can make your drive region free (RPC-1) by using one of these firmware (patch by Joebar)
Patched 1015 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 10xx firmware)
Patched 1715 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 17xx firmware)
Patched 1F15 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Fxx firmware)
Patched XN16 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 1Nxx firmware)
Patched 1314 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 13xx firmware)
Patched X913 RPC-1 (ONLY for drives with 19xx firmware)

-Toshiba SD-R2312 (24X/10X/24X/8X)
Laptop Combo drive

-Waitec SFinx16 (16X/10X/24X/8X) B2.3 (flash utility)
Philips CDD5101 OEM

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The informations provided in this page may not be reproduced/published anywhere else without the written permission of The Firmware page